Good of the Order

Happy New Year everyone!  2014 is finally over and that means it is time to not only reflect on and evaluate the past year of your life but to look forward to what the next may bring.


But for us on the state suite it means that the year is only half over.  It means that it is time for us to evaluate our Order to figure what we have succeeded at, what we have failed at, and how to improve the organization as a whole.


As we survey the first six months of this DeMolay year one issue in particular becomes very apparent - Membership.


The number of active DeMolays (those who regularly attend meetings and chapter events) has been declining steadily.  It is a disconcerting trend taking place in more than one chapter.


It is beyond imperative that this issue be fixed quickly and efficiently.  Membership is the lifeblood of our Order.  Without it we would never be able to exist anywhere.


But how does one go about reversing this trend?  Listed below are a few tips and guidelines for all members:


Advocate DeMolay

Many of you may not know this but, even when you don't realize it, you are passively advocating DeMolay.  You do this chiefly by wearing DeMolay clothes, carrying a DeMolay bag or even using a DeMolay pen.  Seeing this equipment may prompt somebody to ask you what DeMolay is and can lead to an easy, comfortable talk.  Here are some ways to practice this:

  • Wear DeMolay clothes.
  • Use DeMolay supplies (such as a pen or pad).
  • Use DeMolay accessories (such as bags or lapel pins).
  • Put a DeMolay sticker on your laptop, car, or binder.
  • Even telling stories about what happened at a DeMolay event helps.

Talk About DeMolay

But what do you do when somebody does eventually ask you about DeMolay? There are two ways to approach this.  If you're talking to a friend or somebody your age, stick to the fun and exciting aspects of DeMolay:

  • Tell them about the fun events your chapter does (especially if they like it too).
  • Tell them about the other friends you've made in your chapter.
  • Ask them the kind of stuff they like to do (it will help you plan a prospect party).
  • Invite them to a fun event.
  • Don't force them into a decision.  Be patient and understanding.
  • Remember, you are their impression of DeMolay!  If they like you they're more likely to try it.
  • Answer any questions they have.

When talking to an adult or parent, focus on the character building and community service projects DeMolay does.  For example:

  • Explain the virtues but be careful not to recite/talk about ritual.
  • Tell them about any community service your chapter did.
  • Tell them it helps to create a well-rounded person.
  • Tell them it strengthens character.
  • Answer any questions they have.​

DO NOT!!!!

  • Talk about ritual
  • Say another member is a jerk
  • Tell them a story where something bad happens at DeMolay
  • Be too pushy
  • Ignore the question

Close the Deal 

Once you have a person interested, invite them and their parents to a prospect party held by your chapter.  You should plan this based on the interests of the people being invited.  Here's a quick checklist to help you make sure you're ready to throw a prospect party.

  • Prospects (duh)
  • Advisors
  • Venue
  • Food
  • A good number of members who can attend
  • Games (board or video)
  • Room outside for sports (if available/necessary)
  • Petitions

The beauty of a prospect party is how malleable of an event it is.  It can be as simple as a video game/card tournament or it can be a trip to a sports game.  Really be creative and you'll have boatloads of fun and new members.


I challenge each and every member of DeMolay to bring in at least two new members before Conclave this year. Can you all replace yourselves in the next six months?


If you're an older member then you should help the younger members of the chapter to bring in new members as well!


Bro. Nicholas Carpenter

State Master Councillor

Connecticut DeMolay


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